10 January 2025
Dormant Accounts
We currently have a number of member accounts which are sitting dormant. This happens when there has been no activity on the account in 2 years. In order for members to reactivate their account and resume use, they will need to come into the office (26 Market Street) with:
- Photographic ID (Such as EU/UK Photo Card Driving License, Passport, Provisional Valid UK Driving License, Northern Ireland Electoral Identity Card, DRD Senior Citizen Smart Pass and 60+ Smart Pass)
- Proof of address (Needs to be the original posted document- dated within the past 3 months. Online versions will not be accepted. Such as Utility Bill, Rates Bill, Bank Or Building Society Statement, Mortgage Statement, Local Council/Housing Association Rent Card Or Tenancy Agreement, State Benefit Book (Pension/Disability/Child Benefit), Letter Confirming Eligibility To State Benefit Which Is Paid Into A bank, Valid UK Firearms Certificate Including Photograph)
Finally to reactivate the account, the member will need to make a transaction on the account.
We would also ask whilst members are in the office, to ensure their mobile number is up to date as this important for our records and essential for online access.